Compare: 4afa5f9617927453ac04 vs 4a6b27b79da5ccc6b85d
Description: | crypto: algif_hash - Only export and import on sockets with data | crypto: sha1-mb - make sha1_x8_avx2() conform to C function ABI |
Date: | Nov. 3, 2015, 7:38 a.m. | May 17, 2016, 5:30 p.m. |
Hash: | 4afa5f9617927453ac04b24b584f6c718dfb4f45 | 4a6b27b79da5ccc6b85dc05bbe6a091e58be896a |
Branches: | crypto | crypto |
Gitweb: | | |
Progress: | 100% 8/8 | 100% 8/8 |
Successful: | 100% 8/8 | 100% 8/8 |
Previous: | 271817a3e92c0455bda5 (compare) | 256b1cfb9a346bb4808c (compare) |
Next: | 176155dac13f528e0a58 (compare) | bad6a185b4d6f81d0ed2 (compare) |