Compare: 3c9e66568ad40dc17518 vs 5a9ffb954a3933d7867f


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

🌟 kisskb is no longer producing new builds, old results are still available.

Compare: 3c9e66568ad40dc17518 vs 5a9ffb954a3933d7867f

Description: Merge tag 'arc-5.7-rc7' of git:// Merge tag '5.7-rc5-smb3-fixes' of git://
Date: May 20, 2020, 9:04 a.m. May 17, 2020, 3:04 p.m.
Hash: 3c9e66568ad40dc17518fa00e2b28c3b450040d4 5a9ffb954a3933d7867f4341684a23e008d6839b
Branches: linus, linus-rand linus, linus-rand
Progress: 0% 5/0 0% 5/0
Successful: 80% 4/5 100% 5/5
Previous: 03fb3acae4be8a6b680f (compare) 3d1c1e5931ce45b3a3f3 (compare)
Next: 115a54162a6c0d0ef2ae (compare) 9b1f2cbdb6d3062c468d (compare)


Broken in this revision

Status Date/time Target Status Date/time Target
Failed May 20 2020, 22:04 linus-rand/powerpc-randconfig/powerpc-gcc9 OK May 17 2020, 17:41 linus-rand/powerpc-randconfig/powerpc-gcc9
© Michael Ellerman 2006-2018.