Compare: 04535d273ee3edacd955 vs b8780c363d808a726a34


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Compare: 04535d273ee3edacd955 vs b8780c363d808a726a34

Description: Merge tag 'dm-3.15-changes' of git:// sched: remove sleep_on() and friends
Date: April 7, 2014, 12:01 a.m. April 8, 2014, 6:01 a.m.
Hash: 04535d273ee3edacd9551b2512b4e939ba20277f b8780c363d808a726a34793caa900923d32b6b80
Branches: linus linus
Progress: 15% 31/194 28% 55/194
Successful: 83% 26/31 85% 47/55
Previous: 8e0c0832348c7fda1c85 (compare) 2b3a8fd735f86ebeb2b9 (compare)
Next: 18a1a7a1d862ae0794a0 (compare) dc5ed40686a4da95881c (compare)

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