Compare: 23ee3e4e5bd27bdbc0f1 vs d15be546031cf65a0fc3


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

🌟 kisskb is no longer producing new builds, old results are still available.

Compare: 23ee3e4e5bd27bdbc0f1 vs d15be546031cf65a0fc3

Description: Merge tag 'pci-v5.8-fixes-2' of git:// into master Merge tag 'media/v5.8-3' of git:// into master
Date: July 25, 2020, 12:04 p.m. July 23, 2020, 10:44 a.m.
Hash: 23ee3e4e5bd27bdbc0f1785eef7209ce872794c7 d15be546031cf65a0fc34879beca02fd90fe7ac7
Branches: linus, linus-rand linus, linus-rand
Progress: 99% 193/194 99% 193/194
Successful: 94% 182/193 94% 182/193
Previous: 68845a55c31bd4e00107 (compare) 8c26c87b05323a7ccdc6 (compare)
Next: 04300d66f0a06d572d9f (compare) f37e99aca03f63aa3f2b (compare)

No differences

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