Compare: 27d7c2a006a81c04fab0 vs cc19528bd3084c3c2d87


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Compare: 27d7c2a006a81c04fab0 vs cc19528bd3084c3c2d87

Description: vfs: clear to the end of the buffer on partial buffer reads Merge branch 'drm-fixes' of git://
Date: Dec. 6, 2012, 11:49 p.m. Dec. 1, 2012, 8:01 a.m.
Hash: 27d7c2a006a81c04fab00b8cd81b99af3b32738d cc19528bd3084c3c2d870b31a3578da8c69952f3
Branches: linus linus
Progress: 10% 20/194 44% 87/194
Successful: 95% 19/20 88% 77/87
Previous: b69f0859dc8e633c5d8c (compare) e9296e89b85604862bd9 (compare)
Next: 04c5decdc0aecde43bf4 (compare) 7c17e486e865d616f0e3 (compare)

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