Compare: 34376a50fb1fa095b9d0 vs 1a9c3d68d65f4b5ce32f


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Compare: 34376a50fb1fa095b9d0 vs 1a9c3d68d65f4b5ce32f

Description: Fix lockup related to stop_machine being stuck in __do_softirq. Merge branch 'upstream' of git://
Date: June 12, 2013, 12:01 a.m. June 13, 2013, 6:03 a.m.
Hash: 34376a50fb1fa095b9d0636fa41ed2e73125f214 1a9c3d68d65f4b5ce32f7d67ccc730396e04cdd2
Branches: linus linus
Progress: 61% 120/194 10% 21/194
Successful: 85% 103/120 90% 19/21
Previous: ab0296319a8cb970f4e4 (compare) 77293e215edef7871a39 (compare)
Next: 77293e215edef7871a39 (compare) 26e04462c8b78d079d32 (compare)

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