Compare: 4810d9682971e8eee659 vs 442c9ac989d71599ebc3


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

Compare: 4810d9682971e8eee659 vs 442c9ac989d71599ebc3

Description: Merge branch 'for-linus' of git:// Merge branch 'sendmsg.cifs' of git://
Date: May 5, 2016, 8:51 a.m. May 19, 2016, 3:30 a.m.
Hash: 4810d9682971e8eee659f96e4f9d9154e3c6c0b4 442c9ac989d71599ebc39f4ea4d5b0e64996904b
Branches: linus linus
Progress: 100% 263/194 100% 264/194
Successful: 95% 251/263 95% 251/264
Previous: 41143b774af2b37c2402 (compare) 0b7962a6c4a37ef3cbb2 (compare)
Next: 21a9703de3045cda0b3a (compare) 4a5219edcdae52bfb5ee (compare)


Broken in this revision

Status Date/time Target Status Date/time Target
Failed May 5 2016, 11:01 linus/powerpc-randconfig/powerpc-gcc4.6 OK May 19 2016, 04:53 linus/powerpc-randconfig/powerpc-gcc4.6

Fixed in this revision

Status Date/time Target Status Date/time Target
OK May 5 2016, 10:46 linus/sh-randconfig/sh4-gcc4.6 Failed May 19 2016, 04:34 linus/sh-randconfig/sh4-gcc4.6
OK May 5 2016, 10:44 linus/x86_64-randconfig/x86_64-gcc4.6 Failed May 19 2016, 04:32 linus/x86_64-randconfig/x86_64-gcc4.6
© Michael Ellerman 2006-2018.