Compare: 851ca779d110f694b5d0 vs 12ad143e1b803e541e48


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

🌟 kisskb is no longer producing new builds, old results are still available.

Compare: 851ca779d110f694b5d0 vs 12ad143e1b803e541e48

Description: Merge tag 'drm-next-2019-03-06' of git:// Merge branch 'perf-urgent-for-linus' of git://
Date: March 9, 2019, 4:08 a.m. March 11, 2019, 9:47 a.m.
Hash: 851ca779d110f694b5d078bc4af06d3ad37169e8 12ad143e1b803e541e48b8ba40f550250259ecdd
Branches: linus, linus-rand linus, linus-rand
Progress: 100% 237/194 100% 237/194
Successful: 97% 230/237 97% 230/237
Previous: 610cd4eadec4f97acd25 (compare) 065b6c4c913d3986c211 (compare)
Next: 3601fe43e8164f67a8de (compare) ffd602eb4693bbb49b30 (compare)

No differences

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