Compare: 8e4921515c1a37953960 vs c15ade65788b70797c94
Description: | Linux 2.6.29-rc4 | lm85: fix the version check that broke adt7468 probing |
Date: | Feb. 9, 2009, 9:07 a.m. | March 11, 2009, 8:47 p.m. |
Hash: | 8e4921515c1a379539607eb443d51c30f4f7f338 | c15ade65788b70797c947f7de3e049e6a23f407f |
Branches: | linus | linus |
Gitweb: | | |
Progress: | 6% 12/194 | 0% 0/194 |
Successful: | 58% 7/12 | 0% 0/0 |
Previous: | e83102cab0fd95d45083 (compare) | 69bb54ec05f57da7f6fa (compare) |
Next: | d5b562330ec766292a3a (compare) | 9333d826813a2722d3ba (compare) |