Compare: d700b0567132e8949713 vs b79013b2449c23f1f505


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

🌟 kisskb is no longer producing new builds, old results are still available.

Compare: d700b0567132e8949713 vs b79013b2449c23f1f505

Description: Merge tag 'regulator-v4.1' of git:// Merge tag 'staging-4.1-rc1' of git://
Date: April 14, 2015, 9:04 a.m. April 14, 2015, 1:54 p.m.
Hash: d700b0567132e894971325fbb452a8db9e781c13 b79013b2449c23f1f505bdf39c5a6c330338b244
Branches: linus linus
Progress: 100% 255/194 100% 255/194
Successful: 92% 237/255 93% 238/255
Previous: 7fd56474db326f7a6df0 (compare) d700b0567132e8949713 (compare)
Next: b79013b2449c23f1f505 (compare) 31f7dc796998d2967e99 (compare)


Broken in this revision

Status Date/time Target Status Date/time Target
Failed Apr 14 2015, 10:19 linus/sh-randconfig/sh4-gcc4.6 OK Apr 14 2015, 15:13 linus/sh-randconfig/sh4-gcc4.6
© Michael Ellerman 2006-2018.