Compare: 9eb425b2e04e0e3006ad vs 454099efd693c76a25d6


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

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Compare: 9eb425b2e04e0e3006ad vs 454099efd693c76a25d6

Description: powerpc/entry: Fix an #if which should be an #ifdef in entry_32.S powerpc/6xx: Fix power_save_ppc32_restore() with CONFIG_VMAP_STACK
Date: Feb. 19, 2020, 10:54 p.m. Feb. 17, 2020, 2:54 p.m.
Hash: 9eb425b2e04e0e3006adffea5bf5f227a896f128 454099efd693c76a25d6326d2c5b1d7003b480f9
Branches: powerpc-fixes powerpc-fixes
Progress: 100% 306/281 100% 287/281
Successful: 99% 303/306 99% 285/287
Previous: 454099efd693c76a25d6 (compare) cc43634c11b8ced6d995 (compare)
Next: fc37a1632d40c80c067e (compare) 9eb425b2e04e0e3006ad (compare)

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