Compare: 38947529bb05bbb8acfb vs f0b748d8b86946e62f1e


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

Compare: 38947529bb05bbb8acfb vs f0b748d8b86946e62f1e

Description: Automatic merge of 'next' into merge (2021-10-11 23:09) Automatic merge of 'fixes' into merge (2021-05-21 21:12)
Date: Oct. 11, 2021, 11:41 p.m. May 21, 2021, 9:59 p.m.
Hash: 38947529bb05bbb8acfb2fe0ff96c2f1bc3f2c96 f0b748d8b86946e62f1e3f6c2c9af380a4d4755a
Branches: powerpc-merge powerpc-merge
Progress: 100% 261/165 100% 251/165
Successful: 98% 256/261 99% 250/251
Previous: ece9c55cc2f2c408240c (compare) 3a81c0495fdb91fd9a9b (compare)
Next: ec39a6fbda87af023131 (compare) 8dbbcb8a8856c6b4e56a (compare)


Broken in this revision

Status Date/time Target Status Date/time Target
Failed Oct 12 2021, 01:36 powerpc-merge/powerpc-allyesconfig/powerpc-gcc5 OK May 22 2021, 01:55 powerpc-merge/powerpc-allyesconfig/powerpc-gcc5
Failed Oct 12 2021, 00:57 powerpc-merge/powerpc-allmodconfig+64K_PAGES/powerpc-gcc5 OK May 22 2021, 02:30 powerpc-merge/powerpc-allmodconfig+64K_PAGES/powerpc-gcc5
© Michael Ellerman 2006-2018.