Compare: 579a7abaf051ef84dd24 vs 57dbbe590f152e5e8a3f


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

🌟 kisskb is no longer producing new builds, old results are still available.

Compare: 579a7abaf051ef84dd24 vs 57dbbe590f152e5e8a3f

Description: powerpc: Define and use MSR_RI only on non booke/40x powerpc/pseries/iommu: Rename "direct window" to "dma window"
Date: Aug. 21, 2021, 12:04 a.m. Aug. 27, 2021, 1:17 a.m.
Hash: 579a7abaf051ef84dd24cf19e6541455e7df72ce 57dbbe590f152e5e8a3ff8bf5ba163df34eeae0b
Branches: powerpc-next, powerpc-next-rand powerpc-next, powerpc-next-rand
Progress: 98% 277/281 98% 277/281
Successful: 93% 260/277 94% 262/277
Previous: 51ed00e71f0130e0f353 (compare) c60b1244d261bf17e639 (compare)
Next: 727de02c94eb120e8db2 (compare) c7dee506ec3450717e84 (compare)


Broken in this revision

Status Date/time Target Status Date/time Target
Failed Aug 21 2021, 01:32 powerpc-next/corenet64_smp_defconfig+KVM/powerpc-gcc5 OK Aug 27 2021, 03:22 powerpc-next/corenet64_smp_defconfig+KVM/powerpc-gcc5
Failed Aug 21 2021, 01:19 powerpc-next/mpc85xx_defconfig+KVM/powerpc-gcc9 OK Aug 27 2021, 02:58 powerpc-next/mpc85xx_defconfig+KVM/powerpc-gcc9
Failed Aug 21 2021, 01:14 powerpc-next/ppc64_book3e_allmodconfig/powerpc-gcc9 OK Aug 27 2021, 02:52 powerpc-next/ppc64_book3e_allmodconfig/powerpc-gcc9
Failed Aug 21 2021, 00:52 powerpc-next/corenet64_smp_defconfig+KVM/powerpc-gcc4.9 OK Aug 27 2021, 02:11 powerpc-next/corenet64_smp_defconfig+KVM/powerpc-gcc4.9

Fixed in this revision

Status Date/time Target Status Date/time Target
OK Aug 21 2021, 01:56 powerpc-next/85xx/sbc8548_defconfig/powerpc-gcc5 Failed Aug 27 2021, 04:01 powerpc-next/85xx/sbc8548_defconfig/powerpc-gcc5
OK Aug 21 2021, 00:56 powerpc-next/85xx/sbc8548_defconfig/powerpc-gcc4.9 Failed Aug 27 2021, 02:17 powerpc-next/85xx/sbc8548_defconfig/powerpc-gcc4.9
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