Compare: a0513756d815971391e8 vs 5c2dc19a23b5ecc52e4e
Description: | powerpc/powernv: Restrict OPAL symbol map to only be readable by root | Unknown |
Date: | July 31, 2019, 10:52 p.m. | June 20, 2019, 11:32 p.m. |
Hash: | a0513756d815971391e8d20fcfd01434f0668731 | 5c2dc19a23b5ecc52e4eb1b2cbe0a9da4e9a1e1f |
Branches: | powerpc-next, powerpc-next-rand | powerpc-next, powerpc-next-rand |
Gitweb: | | |
Progress: | 100% 290/281 | 0% 0/281 |
Successful: | 97% 284/290 | 0% 0/0 |
Previous: | fde46ba593df92c4d787 (compare) | d909f9109c301f4e9e41 (compare) |
Next: | c04239d8d58e0ca71bc3 (compare) | 3c25ab35fbc8526ac0c9 (compare) |