Compare: d9f7f693c63567aaa286 vs 08c5f03bf4ba63b87716


Revisions | Branches | Compilers | Configs | Build Results | Build Failures |

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Compare: d9f7f693c63567aaa286 vs 08c5f03bf4ba63b87716

Description: powerpc: Add a checkpatch wrapper with our preferred settings powerpc/fsl: Sanitize the syscall table for NXP PowerPC 32 bit platforms
Date: July 25, 2018, 12:01 a.m. July 26, 2018, 10:41 p.m.
Hash: d9f7f693c63567aaa28631c3b6c0d3c309498b21 08c5f03bf4ba63b877160893309ee39de8a1a2af
Branches: powerpc-next, powerpc-next-rand powerpc-next, powerpc-next-rand
Progress: 95% 269/281 95% 269/281
Successful: 100% 269/269 100% 269/269
Previous: ab2669a3c848cfab9ba5 (compare) d9f7f693c63567aaa286 (compare)
Next: 08c5f03bf4ba63b87716 (compare) 974c5a9f67d6431d3aea (compare)

No differences

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