# git rev-parse -q --verify 85e298e2e36ce5a166e3a1bc0ec1c968d2757c2f^{commit} # git fetch -q -n -f git://gitlab.ozlabs.ibm.com/mirror/linux-kbuild.git for-next warning: The last gc run reported the following. Please correct the root cause and remove .git/gc.log. Automatic cleanup will not be performed until the file is removed. warning: There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them. # git rev-parse -q --verify 85e298e2e36ce5a166e3a1bc0ec1c968d2757c2f^{commit} 85e298e2e36ce5a166e3a1bc0ec1c968d2757c2f # git checkout -q -f -B kisskb 85e298e2e36ce5a166e3a1bc0ec1c968d2757c2f # git clean -qxdf # < git log -1 # commit 85e298e2e36ce5a166e3a1bc0ec1c968d2757c2f # Author: Ahmed S. Darwish # Date: Mon May 15 19:32:17 2023 +0200 # # docs: Set minimal gtags / GNU GLOBAL version to 6.6.5 # # Kernel build now uses the gtags "-C (--directory)" option, available # since GNU GLOBAL v6.6.5. Update the documentation accordingly. # # Signed-off-by: Ahmed S. Darwish # Cc: # Link: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/info-global/2020-09/msg00000.html # Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada # < /opt/cross/kisskb/korg/gcc-5.5.0-nolibc/powerpc64-linux/bin/powerpc64-linux-gcc --version # < /opt/cross/kisskb/korg/gcc-5.5.0-nolibc/powerpc64-linux/bin/powerpc64-linux-ld --version # < git log --format=%s --max-count=1 85e298e2e36ce5a166e3a1bc0ec1c968d2757c2f # < make -s -j 32 ARCH=powerpc O=/kisskb/build/kbuild_pmac32_defconfig+SMP_powerpc-gcc5 CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/cross/kisskb/korg/gcc-5.5.0-nolibc/powerpc64-linux/bin/powerpc64-linux- pmac32_defconfig # Added to kconfig CONFIG_SMP=y # < make -s -j 32 ARCH=powerpc O=/kisskb/build/kbuild_pmac32_defconfig+SMP_powerpc-gcc5 CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/cross/kisskb/korg/gcc-5.5.0-nolibc/powerpc64-linux/bin/powerpc64-linux- help # make -s -j 32 ARCH=powerpc O=/kisskb/build/kbuild_pmac32_defconfig+SMP_powerpc-gcc5 CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/cross/kisskb/korg/gcc-5.5.0-nolibc/powerpc64-linux/bin/powerpc64-linux- olddefconfig .config:4431:warning: override: reassigning to symbol SMP # make -s -j 32 ARCH=powerpc O=/kisskb/build/kbuild_pmac32_defconfig+SMP_powerpc-gcc5 CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/cross/kisskb/korg/gcc-5.5.0-nolibc/powerpc64-linux/bin/powerpc64-linux- Completed OK # rm -rf /kisskb/build/kbuild_pmac32_defconfig+SMP_powerpc-gcc5 # Build took: 0:01:23.949570